Quantum Healing Hypnosis Technique



One Session (4-7 hours) … $385

Read all about this modality here.

QHHT is not available for online booking, so please contact me to make sure this modality is right for you, and schedule your session.

Payment plans available



“My QHHT session with Haley was absolutely illuminating, and fascinating! I felt comfortable and safe enough to really let go and be immersed in my experience, and the insight I gained was super helpful for some of the bigger “life questions” I tend to struggle with. After my session I actually felt totally free of many of the negative habits of mind that keep me stuck, and I have a renewed sense of energy around my values and goals which has remained even a month later. I would recommend this modality to anybody interested in furthering their exploration of themselves and consciousness in general.”
— QHHT client
“It has been a few weeks since I received a QHHT session from Haley. I have received massages and reiki from Haley for many years and was interested in having this experience. Haley’s voice is calming and her presence always makes me feel loved and safe. During the session, she talked me through the entire process. Her voice is so lovely and it was easy to be relaxed during this adventure. Every single day since my QHHT session, I reflect on the answers I received, the guidance I was able to obtain and can see the bigger picture. So much healing took place in a short amount of time, both physically and mentally. My anxiety and worry has severely decreased. My physical body has felt less pain and my thoughts have been lighter. I highly recommend Haley for her many healing services. She has a passion for helping others and you can feel her love for your soul the moment she enters the room.”
— QHHT client
QHHT was both an enlightening experience as well as a confirmation of much of what I knew deep down inside but the internal struggle of doubt sometimes tries to convince you otherwise. It was about talking to my true self rather than that internal voice of anxiety.

I highly recommend QHHT with Haley to help you go deeply within and heal the mind, body, and soul.
— QHHT client

Follow my QHHT page on Instagram @quantumhealingobx