Reiki is a Japanese technique for healing, based on the idea that we all have an energy flowing through us that gives us life. During a session, healing energy flows through a practitioner to a client via their hands. While Reiki acknowledges, and calls on, a higher power than us, it is NOT a religion, and is without dogma. It therefore is compatible with all spiritualities. I have many clients who express confusion with this explanation, not because they are unfamiliar with the concept of an unseen “life force,” but rather because the mechanics of it are very vague.
It’s so much easier to explain what we can see! An anatomical chart, for example, makes it easy to point out muscle groups, even fascial chains through the body. When I move someone’s arm, they know I am doing something- unlike Reiki, where a practitioner is holding their hands motionless above, or on, the body.
For those who have experienced Reiki energy work, there is a level of understanding in terms of what you feel. Reiki is very subjective in how it feels and varies from client to client: a deep warmth, a cooling sensation, waves of energy vibrating through the body, the feeling of a weight being lifted from your being are all reported experiences.
So- okay, sure, that’s what the client feels, but what is the practitioner doing?
The truth is the practitioner is simply allowing Reiki energy to flow through their body, via their hands, into a client. There is truly nothing else needed to become a Reiki practitioner apart from receiving an “attunement” from a master level practitioner. The details of what is learned, and passed on, in an attunement is sacred to Reiki practitioners. As my teacher says, “It is sacred, not secret,” as all are welcome to learn this technique.
I think each practitioner has their own subjective experience also while giving Reiki. Some may see colors, while others feel the energy. Some may not have any sensation. I believe the effectiveness lies with the healing intent of the practitioner, as well as their commitment to taking the practice seriously. A Reiki practitioner is expected to live in harmony with all living things, as expressed in the five principles of Reiki from founder Dr. Mikao Usui:
Just for today, do not be angry
Just for today, do not worry
Just for today, be grateful
Just for today, work hard
Just for today, be kind to others.
The benefits of Reiki are numerous. The deep state of relaxation and peace it puts people in is incredibly effective at reducing stress and promoting overall health. It can help people sleep better, go through difficult life changes with greater ease, and improve overall quality of life.
As a complementary therapy, Reiki has helped people with PTSD, radiation and chemotherapy, positive surgical outcomes, and more. More and more hospitals are including Reiki energy healing as a complementary treatment for patients. For more information on these studies please visit