QHHT is a healing modality developed by Dolores Cannon over her 45+ year career of past life regression hypnotherapy. In a session the client is able to reach the deepest level of hypnosis, the somnambulistic level of trance, or the theta brain wave state- a level most hypnotherapists do not work at, due to the “strange” things that can happen at this level, such as reliving a past or future life. While this sounds mysterious, this is completely natural- your body enters the theta state every day, right before you fall asleep, and right before you awake. This is the sole level worked with during a QHHT session. The belief system surrounding this process is that your Higher Self/Over Soul/Subconscious/Christ Conscious (whatever you feel resonates with you) will take you to the most appropriate place and time for you to achieve the healing you require. This may be a past, future, or simultaneous lifetime; you may find yourself to be a human, animal, energy, or object. It’s all welcome, and while strange to our conscious mind, will make sense as we go through the session.
After experiencing QHHT, clients have reported deep emotional healing, instantaneous relief of physical symptoms and discomfort, and clear answers to any questions they may have about their life, relationships, and purpose. This is all done by the client going deep into their own knowing and Higher Self! As a practitioner, my job is to simply facilitate your self-hypnosis and healing through guided visualizations and questions while you are in trance, while recording the session so you can listen back and learn from your experience after the session is complete. I am thrilled and humbled to be able to share this empowering and enlightening experience with others.
All sessions begin with an interview, that lasts at least 2 hours. I will ask all about your life, as I need to really get to know you so that I may best guide you through your experience. After that, you will get comfortable on the bed, and I’ll take you into trance, with your cooperation and permission. This lasts around 2 hours also. Then we will have a debriefing and talk about your session. The normal session length is 5 hours, although please schedule your day for a longer block, this is not a process to rush or watch the clock. When you come for a QHHT session, my entire day is devoted to your appointment, so that there are no time constraints.
If this sounds like an experience you’d like to have, please contact me for a session!